Acupuncture... Yes, it really does work!
Acupuncture is only one of the many techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a time tested medicine that has been consistently evolving over the past 2,000 years, which employs the body's own resources to truly cure ones ailments and prevent future illness or injury. Each of us has the necessary healing powers within us, we just need a way to tap into it; TCM gives us the tools to do this. It is a safe and effective treatment method that complements "modern" medicine wonderfully.
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective & safe treatment for many conditions, including:
Adverse reactions to chemotherapy or radiation
Depression Dysmenorrhea (aka PMS) High or low blood pressure Labor induction Musclo-skeletal pain Sciatica |
Digestive Disorders Headaches Insomnia Morning sickness Rheumatoid arthritis Stroke |